1. Basic understanding: The individual human beeing is at the center and is therefore the basis of all consideration

  • Everything is relationship.
  • Thinking is the linking of words and the meaningful creation of references. In brain research, mental processes are described as materialization in neuronal circuits. Thinking is the relationship between words and sentences. Since man is a thinking being, he is absorbed in this thinking. Since thinking is a relationship, man is absorbed in it. He, is this relationship itself.
  • Man is relationship.
  • Man is dependent on his mother and others from birth and cannot survive without this relationship.
  • It is a relationship with others and the other one.
  • It is a relationship with oneself and
  • It is a relationship with God.
  • It is a highly complex system of relationships that change and develop over time.
  • Relationship structures are susceptible to disturbances and require care (Latin: “cultus”). Culture thus consists of relationship structures that are cultivated.
  • The separation of relationship is a constant danger.
  • The entire history of mankind in its diverse cultures, civilizations, religions, etc. can be traced back to the overcoming of this danger, because it is at the center of human life and the human being who is relationship. Of course, the opposite pole is always given: the maintenance and shaping of one’s own life with security and development and then the highest possible rationality of all relationship structures, namely that of love. This is the eternal task of the individual as well as of the societies he creates and in which he is integrated.
  • The separation of relationship is as a process nameddying and as a result named death of this relationship.
  • Every separation, including mental or emotional separation, etc., is an experience of death in all its gradations. When the separation of the relationship with oneself and one’s body is completed, we experience it as physical death.
  • Death as a bringing to mind of separation is anxiety.
  • The emergence of anxiety is  inevitable due to human life and its threat through the separation of relationships. The essence of time is separation, since man is incessantly separating himself from the present, which becomes the past.
  • The level of anxiety is a decisive factor for social and personal life.
  • Processing anxiety is crucial for the development of humans and their culture. It releases enormous inner forces, so, the orientation of which is important.
  • The direction towards oneself: Man can react with impotent torpor, apathy, depression as aggression against himself.
  • The direction towards others: He tries to overcome the anxiety by aggression against others, i.e. by attacking.
  • In the case of anxiety, which is indeterminate by the concept in contrast to fear, flight as an evasion of a concrete threat is not possible, since there is no concrete object, such as a fast-moving vehicle. A general anxiety of economic decline can be completely unfounded. However, the lack of an object does not prevent this anxiety from experiencing the possible separation from the status quo as oppressive or even psychologically devastating. Rather, flight then becomes an evasion into the equally indeterminate and distracting (e.g. as consumerism, addiction, etc.).
  • Anxiety can become that inner paralyzing heaviness, a dark grief, in which the human being closes himself until he finally develops fear and shame of others and strives for separation from them as a soothing goal. All drives of self-respect, of self-preservation, are now so mysteriously thwarted, made insecure and uprooted to the point that life turns against itself, and downfall appears as something wanted and longed for (e.g. destructive behavior, drugs, suicide).
  • Anxiety is the essential instrument of power.
  •  In addition to the multiple functions of axiety, its creation in every culture and in every state is regulated by rules of punishment and the resulting separation from society in gradations from the traffic ticket (separation of money) to the death penalty (as separation from society and oneself).
  •  However, while democracy, as quoted above, assumes equality for all in a society and is thus intended to protect the individual from undue intimidation of the powerful, power-obsessed autocrats aim to use this instrument of power in every way to increase inequality and prevent control of power, in order to expand their own power and no longer have the individual as an equal against them.
  • Rather, the creation of anxiety of such power structures is aimed at shaking the individual’s existence, at taking away his trust in sources of information other than the one provided by lying, defaming and confusing, until he finds himself, in despair and  in an anxious disorientation. To be thrust into such a world of ideas and to be trapped then, creates the idea that from this  world in anxiety only the one who has previously created the anxiety is the salvation.
  • The systematic creation of anxiety often takes up real anxieties or usual existential fears of the population and increases them through exaggeration, lies and additional invented embellishments to a level that is no longer tangible for the individual, so that it seems reasonable and saving for him to follow the one who has recognized such dangers and will oppose them. Such a leader must be elected and supported, and he must be given absolute loyalty!
  • In this way, truth is replaced by loyalty. A reduction in loyalty, i.e. an exit from the prison of this world of ideas, is condemned and punished as betrayal. Such structures are also being built up in mafia-like circles.
  • Such leader cults and their propagandistic seduction skills are very well known from history. But they are not limited to the past, but these very effective structures of systematic anxiety spreading are masterfully applied by Trump.
  • If Trump’s speeches were to be summed up in one word, it is “anxiety generation”. This is the core of his speeches and his intention, which still works when facts are recognizably false, falsely exaggerated or fictitious. On the contrary, if a strategic assertion can only be believed and not proven, it fits better into the intended purpose.
  • Truth plays no role at all, but only strategic communication that is supposed to achieve the main purpose of creating anxiety.
  • The formation and cultivation of a loyal following by systematically spreading lies and exaggerating dangers while at the same time defaming other sources of information has become more and more successful over the years, so that he was finally able to replace the truth with loyalty. He was thus able to lead his followers into a spiritual prison of ideas, which even in his self-understanding can no longer break out of this prison without him. Therefore, he says it clearly and bluntly, he can allow himself anything, because this anxiety-laden loyalty is no longer accessible to others and alternatives: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s like incredible.” (23.1.2016) If one is to be able to vote freely in a democracy, however, it is important to present the facts truthfully in order to create a basis for decision-making for the individual at all.
  • However, if these are concealed, even obscured by the absurd formulation such as “alternative facts”, then a free decision in the run-up to the election is at least limited, if not impossible. Therefore, the creation of anxiety to an exaggerated degree (Trump: “bad things will happen”) also necessarily includes the systematic discrediting of other sources of information. In history, the reinterpretation of facts and truth is always associated with dramatically bad, sometimes catastrophic developments and is always directed against democracy, because it destroys the basis of the choice, namely a truthful presentation of the facts.
  • Thus, from 1918 to 1991, the newspaper founded by Lenin’s initiative with the Russian name “Pravda”, which means truth, was the central organ for communist propaganda of the then Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which conceals facts where it is useful to exaggerate, reinterpret and lie.
  •  The fact that Trump has founded a platform with the same name, i.e. “truth media”, in Russian “Pravda media”, is a strangely oppressive parallel. The fact that Trump constantly spreads lies, which has a strategic function in the purpose of his seizure of power, is structurally comparable. He should therefore rather call it “Trump’s Pravda Media”. That would probably come closer to the objective of the matter.
  • For the cohesion and further development of society, the distortion and denial of facts, the spreading of lies, the distortion and discrimination of objective facts is highly harmful, because this shatters a general trust in one’s own, individual lifeworld, i.e. the so important relationship to the interpretation and meaning of one’s own life in relation to others and other things.  The first aim by Autocrats and dictators is o achieve the sovereignty of interpretation through the destruction and separation of this important relationship. What remains are disoriented and terrified individuals who, in their anxiety, now join a predetermined and controlled collective worldview in order not to lose themselves completely. Therefore, Putin’s first steps were directed against Russia’s press, which was relatively free before he took office in 2000 and has now been wiped out.
  • There are studies that show that an economy develops significantly worse when there is “too much” anxiety, which of course also has the causes in the individual himself. Why is there in Russia no general well-beeing?
  • The most important relationship structure is love.
  •  Since this relationship structure is opened up and mentally understood through thinking, this structure can also be explained rationally. So, it is not about the emotional, also very important aspects of love, but first of all only about the rational description of the basic structure of the human being in his relationships.
  • In this respect, love is the positive shaping of any relationship structure. Love therefore has the function of directing the relationship structure towards the unfolding and enhancement of life for both the individual and society. Love is the highest form of shaping relationships.
  • Therefore, there is no higher rationality than love.
  • For thousands of years, this relationship structure has been at the center of human life through thinking, acting and feeling.

In extreme cases, love also removes the boundaries of one’s own individuality to a larger context of a relationship structure up to the abandonment of one’s own existence in death. Examples are the self-sacrificing devotion of parents to the soldiers who voluntarily go into battle to defend their own country. Heroism usually consists of overcoming the anxiwety of death for a right and important goal. The more democracy comes under pressure, the more heroism is needed to reassert love as the fundamental structure of life. Let’s not let it come to that!

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