14. How does evil come into the world: Israel and Gaza

Evil comes into the world through two actions:

  1.  the evil deed and
  2. the punishment

If one takes the slaughter and hostage-taking of Jews in Israel on Putin’s birthday, i.e. 7.10.2023, as a frighteningly evil act, then the evil associated with it does not end with the act alone, because part of this act is the provocation of a reaction to this act, which we generally call punishment.

With the punishment, however, further evil comes into the world, even if it is justified.

In this way, the evil deed eats its way into people’s relationship structure like a nasty virus.

Evil has this insidious and abominable double effect with which it wants to keep itself alive.

Of course, it was planned on Putin’s birthday that Israel would react to this and perhaps even be tempted to go beyond an appropriate punishment. What is appropriate cannot simply be determined, but international humanitarian law certainly forms a limit here.

However, since the overarching goal of this individual measure is to achieve the war aims of World War III, it is essential to weaken Israel’s democracy and then also the supporting democracies such as the USA, Europe, etc.

This is done here with a direct terrorist act of violence, which, however, is then out to reinterpret the subsequent punishment as soon as possible, sustainably and worldwide as an independent crime.

The terrorist Hamas has undoubtedly taken its own population hostage, so that in every military counterstrike it has been able to keep the indeed innocent civilians, especially dead children, in the spotlight of the world public, which is a heartbreaking drama regardless of the cynical politics.

The fact that the terrorists deliberately hide under hospitals, schools and kindergartens has functions:

  1. They want these buildings to function as well as possible as protective shields and for the other party to have to exercise military restraint and they themselves to be safe.
  2. Should a military strike nevertheless occur, the corresponding, cruel “collateral damage” would cause worldwide anxiety, anger and indignation and the resulting aggression would be fueled as much as possible against Israel and its supporters.
  3. At the same time, you can highlight the inhumanity of the attacker in your own camp and continue to fuel your own supporters in hatred. Sacrificing people from one’s own population for this is part of the cynical strategy.
  4. The reinterpretation of the punishment into an independent act is then to be interpreted further as a double standard of the democracies and supporters of Israel. However, this is not the case, since the democracies and supporters of Israel also demand compliance with international humanitarian law from Israel itself and do not approve of every single military strike or the actions as a whole. At the same time, it will and must be recognized that Israel can and must defend itself.

The outrage of the world public about the concrete course of Israel’s defense should be accompanied by the outrage of Iran’s genocidal intentions, its terrorist connections, which have not yet been abandoned, and its terrorist connections, and the exposure of all those who cooperate with Iran without massively combating this intention of Iran.

That is the real crime!

The peace initiative must go in the direction of denouncing this serious criminal attitude and intention to genocide and its tolerators or supporters. Are Russia, China and North Korea taking a clear position here? If not, then they probably approve of a deliberate genocide. That must be the question!

What is it but an intentional genocide when Iran and its terrorist offshoots deny the right of an entire people (Israel) to exist and thus actually promote this announced and the intended genocide in targeted terrorist or military actions.

It is a disgusting and inhuman game that these rulers are playing.

Insofar as this strategy is based on an agreement between the participants in the war against the democracies, especially in “honour of Putin on his birthday on 7 October”, this strategy took its course through this terrible terrorist attack, then this strategy goes far beyond purely military action.

It is the identical approach in the two predominantly military actions:

Ukraine’s right to exist independently and its independent decisions is disputed just as much as that of Israel.

In both cases, attempts were and are being made to turn the perpetrators into victims.

Putin makes the absurd claim of a pre-emptive strike against the threat of NATO and the alleged encirclement by it, and in the case of Israel the inevitable evil of punishment, i.e. defense, is twisted with the actual evil deed.

Israel is a democracy and therefore the current head of government from the country itself receives harsher criticism from within the country than it could ever come from abroad. You can clearly see how lively democracies are and that they are a very good regulator of government.

To what extent the current president of Israel overdoes an excess of defense, i.e. the defense and the punishment, i.e. this goes beyond what is necessary and thus actually becomes an exuberant evil deed himself, will not be discussed further here.

What is clear, however, is that Iran and its terrorist offshoots must stop denying the right of an entire people to exist and work towards its destruction.

If you then specifically cause such atrocities with this serious criminal intention of genocide, how do you have to judge Israel’s reactions? How would a family man in Gaza react to someone who has the firm intention of murdering his entire family and him, but has so far only been able to kill one daughter and is looking for ways to complete his evil work?

If peace is to be desired, then it is precisely this appallingly criminal intention that must be brought into consciousness, and now in a more extensive way than ever before. The genocidal intent is the proper crime.

That is the real evil deed. Because words are deeds in themselves. From these words, so many decisions have already been made and so many people have been killed.

The decision to think this way is abysmally evil in itself and not only violates human rights, but also opposes life as a whole. Such thinking must be denounced worldwide. Hasn’t enough experience been gained in the last century? Do we still not know what such thinking is and where such thinking leads?

There is no way of tolerating at all! It enhances furthermore criminal war acts!

Democracies have to go to the roots and should not complain only about the outcome: A very fierce battle at the high intellectual level is highly required!

In the infringer there is just as well asinjury as in the injured party, because the relationship structure of life is damaged in both cases and the perpetrator has unavoidably entered into a relationship with the victim through the act. If the perpetrator is a compassionate and lively person who knows that he is connected to other people in an empathetic way, he suffers from the act. If he does not want to suffer from the deed, he must separate himself from his relationship with himself in such a way that he now becomes harder and feels less. In doing so, however, he reduces his own vitality and embarks on the path of his own unhappiness. In a certain respect, he is dying off internally.

American politics in particular, drawing on its great tradition with James Madison, can reintroduce “reflections on human nature” as a certainly neglected element in foreign policy. Despite all the mistakes that democracies also make, it is still the focus on people and their well-being in a deeper sense.

Democracies are the loving communities and this must be brought back into awareness worldwide.

In any case, the democracies should resolutely oppose the propaganda war of the autocrats and dictators.

This propaganda war has now been cynically expanded on Putin’s birthday with the perfidious and inhumane slaughter of Jews into the overall strategy of weakening democracies and strengthening Putin’s allies in the Middle East, such as Iran and Syria.

Here, too, Donald Trump carries the anxiety rising from this conflict into domestic politics in order to broaden his voter base when he spreads the lie that only he can heal everything as president and that under Harris Israel will cease to exist in just two years.

All political events that have a greater potential for anxiety are immediately used by him to create anxiety and to exaggerate it.

He uses every evil that happens in the world and does not just happen by chance in order to use it for his power intentions by creating anxiety.

He does not care that he is thus broadening the basis of evil through lies and deliberately using the propaganda of the war opponents of democracy.

What was discussed in the confidential conversation with Netanyahu in July at Trump’s resort in Florida? You will never know that either.

However, his dark murmur “Bad Things will happen” can’t get out of your head and, above all, what it is supposed to mean.

In any case, the warring parties against democracy are now very successful in increasingly discrediting democracies with the slogan of “double standards” in a completely different region, the so-called “global south”.

A cynical game in this war against democracies, also with its own population and with people who, through the terror of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, promote the loss of humanity and promote ultimately even evil.

The massive demand for recognition of Israel’s right to exist must be enforced crystal clearly, at least as an abstract, which must first be demanded completely independently of state borders and other details, as well as the well-being of the Palestinians, who also have a right to a life in security and freedom.

 The masses of people who have protested against the regime in Iran to demand more freedom and development for themselves would also grant this to the Israeli population. They are certainly not the ones who deny Israel’s right to exist, because they also want to demand a right to exist for themselves in a different form and without anxiety.

And the Israelis who protest against their head of government and take to the streets also want peace like most other sections of the population. It is not the people, but the governments that incite the people against each other, turn them against each other and separate them in order to be able to maintain their power.

If you want to reduce the evil in the world, you have to start with thinking and the attitudes that result from it. You have to understand that evil comes into the world through the act and the subsequent punishment.

Even if it is difficult, the extent of the punishment must be considered more than carefully and whether it is not more effective to challenge the perpetrator in his still existing human existence and, in case of doubt, even to waive a punishment. This is certainly not always possible, and only if the will to do evil in the other is ready to turn around.

But can’t this be effective as an accompanying strategy? That would be a provocation.

What would have happened if the US had not carried out a punitive action against Iraq? If the billions had been invested in this “provocation” of a massively publicly presented different course of action, what could have become of it?

This action of the then Republican Bush administration is viewed very critically in American politics today, at least not as a complete success.

It was precisely this intellectual assertiveness and the formation of a focus in this regard that democracies often lacked in their confrontation with autocrats and dictators.

What happened, here also provocatively and very abbreviated and simplified, when a few years after the Second World War the “Americans” sent “help” and “chocolate” and other “gifts” to the “murderers” of their sons not only via the Marshall Plan?

The autocrats and dictators are not so strong and by no means on an equal footing, because they have to promote evil in order to stay in power and they will ultimately succumb to evil, because it will eat them up from within, which happened in the last century often and not only in Germany of the Hitler era, but again and again and e.g. also very much later in the former Eastern Bloc states such as Poland,  Romania, etc.

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